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Rock City News - Mantis Disc Review

Oct 12th, 2002

Home Grown "Kings of Pop"

This is some good clean Rock. It is nice to hear a well produced Disc such as this. From the opening, `Tomorrow', track this Disc gives its all to the listener. The speed and power of "I'll never fall in Love" speaks volumes on the emotional level of the poor heartbroken guy (not like I have ever been there) that exists in ever village, town, and city in the world. Within the soul of this Disc is a heart of truth and honesty that will be understood by all, regardless of their age, race, or musical preference.

Evita y Glenn "Me, My Brother, and His Guitar"

This is a simple folk Disc. Evita's voice is an incredible joy. Her ability to add the emotion these songs require is perfect. This sibling team gives us a true artistic release with this Disc. The inspiration of Love and honor that they shroud you with will carry you to an enhanced condition of mental, and emotional, joy. I will say that, while I like the simple acoustic guitar and vocals, Evita's voice should have the addition of a piano and violin to enhance the roundness of her voice

The Color Red "Clear"

Harder edged, this Disc cuts to the core of its Rocken carcass, yet has a life that breaths fresh and new. `Sore Throat' is a guitar led voyage into an abyss of melodic turmoil. Slight feelings of Metallica come through, but don't think this is anything other than original. All in all, this Disc gets you through the wee hours of the morning with a bursting sense of reality.


This is a three song Disc. All three of these Metal pieces are full of solid Rock. "Subincision" has a melodic opening that builds, slowly, into a meaningful song. "Hollow Shell" is faster and harder, yet with a well structured form. "Sickness" may get you feeling a little ill after it coerces you to bang your head for its duration, but will be well worth the discomfort. This is a great tease. I am interested, as with all the bands that make it to this column, in seeing and hearing more.


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