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In all lives one must take time to have pleasure. Here are reviews written by his Eminence for your pleasure.
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you can share his 30+ years of experience as a Concept Development Specialist and writer.
50 First Dates | Almost Famous | American Wedding | Bad Boys 2 | Daredevil | Punch-Drunk Love | FearDotCom | Agony | Rock City News - Mantis Disc Review
Almost Famous
I am still catching up with the prime movies of the past decade, so please forgive me for being so late.
I did find the majority of the story relatively realistic, from what I remember of theBackstage days I had between 82 and 89. I choose to never go on the road, but did experience many of the events expressed in this presentation. I did spend many years with the same basic group of bands, who shall remain nameless for various reasons, and knew of the pressure and reach that are represented herein. Through these still somewhat foggy eyes, since I was no William by any stretch of the imagination.
The handling of all the background actors is adequate as they are only noticed as necessary. The flow of each scene is even and rhythmic. The connection of the music track and visual aspect is on the money, although I would have to wait until my 6th viewing to start really judging whether I would have used differently.
Into the next phase: the acting. Who struck me the most? Penny Lane (Kate Hudson) did remind me of many of the young ladies I knew in the day. I found her acting seamless. Her expressions were perfect for the moment, even when she didn't seem confident with her presentation. She carried the weight of the role with confidence, even when unsure.
Russell Hammond (Billy Crudup) was cast upon the back of a wild boar and sat like he was in a Rocking Chair. The perplexing aspects of the Rock Star do come across well. He is believable.
William Miller (Patrick Fugit) was a hard role to pin down. It was both mindless to be a teenager and bewildering to be cast into a jungle of manic emotions. To be so young and mature at the ripe age of 15 is a hard place to be. I remember it as a paradox myself. Yet this stiff yet reasonable young man came through the fog of his environs and embraced the world with reverence. All in all it worked.
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